Born Again

by @lbrewington

Challenge: Get Lost

Liner Notes

As I was writing for the Get Lost challenge, I knew I wanted to write a song that had a spiritual angle, and this is what fell out. I have always been fascinated by the term "born again" and many religions, spiritual practices, and cultures have strong taboos surrounding the life - death - rebirth cycle. I leaned heavy into the specific Christian symbology here but all forms of spiritual music be it hymns, gospel music, or esoteric explorations give insight into the another realm that lies beyond our physical plane and such concepts always glimmer strongly for me. The vibration theory of the universe and the connection of music to the divine implies that all songs are hymns, but in this case, it is both implied and real.

#challenge #getlost #lost #hymn

Linear art is the symbol of the Hebrew word mayim, which translates to "water" and is taken from the Judeo/Christian symbolism of the four elements which I incorporated into Grimoire Zero.

Roughly 3.5 hours from concept to final demo


there's a road we travel
both far and near
the echo of steps will
always ring clear

there are those who wont listen
and those who can't hear
their lives are marked down as
living in fear

g d
take me down to the waters, oo i've lost my way
g d
down to the river, oo i go to lay
g d
let the doves circle my head today
g d a7 d
gonna take all my sin gonna give it away

the world is cruel
and it's people tell lies
it's enough to make you want to
a7 d
close all your eyes

but there's no need to worry
g d
it's no surprise
all is forgiven / as from the
a7 d
water you rise

g d
take me down to the waters, oo i've lost my way
g d
down to the river, oo i go to lay
g d
let the doves circle my head today
g d a7 d
gonna take all my sin gonna give it away


Feels like this song was pulled right out of a Baptist hymnal. Actually, I grew up in a Baptist church. This is better. Reminds me of the soulful music of “O Brother Where Art Thou?”
A very beautiful take on the challenge. So interesting to read about your thoughts on the subject. Reflective and moving song. Beautiful, sincere singing and playing. Instant classic.
Love the use of waltz time here. Solid melody and message. Well done!