Ghosts Inside My Head

by @scubed

Skirmish: Ghost (@wylddandelyon)
Ghosts Inside My Head

Liner Notes

#darkhumor #familyissues #triggerwarning #ukulele #ghost #fuc

NOTE: If you're grieving the loss of a parent, you might want to skip this song.

I missed the Friday skirmish, but when I eventually saw @wylddandelyon's great prompt, my brain went into skirmish mode: I immediately recalled an episode of the TV show "Due South" where multiple males characters were being berated by their fathers' spirits as they went about their business. "Ghosts inside my head" popped into my mind, and I was off and running. I took a little longer to write and record than I would have done in real skirmish time, but it was still a quick write.


Ghosts Inside My Head
Šī¸2024 - words and music by Sharon Stepler

I had a little chat with the ghosts inside my head
They're really quite opinionated, considering they're dead
I asked, "Why do you hang around just to give me grief?
If you would simply rest in peace we'd all get some relief
I wouldn't mind too much if you spoke up now and then
But this running commentary is more than I can stand"
"Too bad," they said, "You're stuck with us - we're in your neural threads
We're here for the duration," said the ghosts inside my head

"Well, if you're gonna hang around, at least say something nice
Or maybe pass along a bit of helpful life advice
Right now it seems the only time I ever hear from you
Is when you let me know you disapprove of what I do
And that ain't news to me, y' know - I heard it all before
When you were alive and well on this side of the door"
"And you'll hear it all again," these irksome phantoms said
I'm really sick and tired of these ghosts inside my head!

Seems there is no reasoning with otherworldly voices
I'm pondering the situation, listing all my choices:
I could slowly work through issues with a therapist
Or get bell, book, and candle and hire an exorcist
Or maybe if I concentrate I can shut out their jive
Just the way I learned to do when they were alive
The dead are never going to change - duh, because they're dead
But I'm still here and I am done with the ghosts inside my head


"I had a little chat with the ghosts inside my head
They're really quite opinionated, considering they're dead"
What an incredible opening line and concept! And the great lines just keep coming!
Oh, how this resonates (I eventually learned to ignore my particular ghosts, for much the same reasons as you set out in the lyrics). The big reverb on the vocals gives this a suitably spooky vibe!
Lovely and playful a good write with a solid rhyme scheme, enjoyed the listen and trumpet solo 😄
Chuckling at the second line 😂 Charming little ditty. You execute (pun not intended) this theme well
This is a very cheerful song to your ghosts. I really enjoyed it great performance of very relatable lyrics
I know too many people who struggle with the echoes of their parents' voices that live in their heads, even while the parents are still alive. So this song resonates really well for me. Thanks for joining my skirmish!!! I enjoyed it.