13. Phantoms

by @knobbyneggins815

Liner Notes

Another short transitionary piece, this track has basically been done for....a long time! I feel like I recorded it around the same time I wrote the lyrics. I added some more ambient stuff, some harmonies, and mastered it, but it's just been there, ironically haunting me for over a year. Well it's finally out there, and I can let it go. Thanks 50/90, for inspiring me to push it and get stuff done!

March 5th, 2023


Spoke to the ghosts of my sickness again;
All of my secrets and all of my sins.
Here there be dragons in the black of the lung.
I'll cut out my baggage and pack up my tongue.

Facts in the fiction that I hide on the page;
All of my misery and all of my rage.
Found out that the Phantoms have followed me home.
I dream of the day they will leave me alone.


Haunting, I love the effects. Good lyrics. The piano has that extra rumble that is just right! Cool!