Lark’s Head Knot

by @gilesdring

Liner Notes

Words that came to me whilst walking the dog in a wood. Liked where the trail took me, literally and figuratively. Finished with the second verse a week later.

Deserves a better recording, but I've decided not to overwork my 50/90 demos!


Lark's Head Knot


The woodland path draws me in
Tree roots grab I'm stumbling
I'm searching
for something

Tie a lark's head knot
With my ball of twine
I'll set a snare
For a perfect rhyme
And I'm playing with words
Picking them from air
Let them race about
'Til my thought's laid bare
Tie a lark's head knot
Tie a lark's head knot

Breadcrumb trails
Fairy tales

You can join the dots; make out what you see
If it's true to you; there's no guarantee
You're searching
You've found it

Tie a lark's head knot
With my ball of twine
I'll set a snare
For a perfect rhyme
And I'm playing with words
Picking them from air
Let them race about
'Til my thought's laid bare
Tie a lark's head knot
Tie a lark's head knot


Ah, a particular knot is such a cool thing to work a song around! I've had a page bookmarked in my songwriting notebook for a while with different knots on it, but haven't figured out how to crack it for a song. These lyrics work really well -- the searching, the attempting to trap perfection... beautiful analogy!
Demos a demo! Sounds pretty good! Very unique and very interesting. I really enjoyed this almost catchy but just edgy enough! Nice one.