
by @villedog


Liner Notes

It started from an idea of an energic chorus.
And if there is an energic chorus, it can only tell about some bad thing.
I did the lyrics first, but as they sucked (which is normal) my brother Heikki did some corrections and additions.
Heikki was not the one who failed.


We were the best friends
In the back of the class
I was getting good grades
You were flat on your ass

We are forced to join in this ..king race
We are forced to complete in this ..king race
What is the reason of this ..king race
Who gets the booty from this ..king race

I could see the stars
You would get the gutter
There is a set of steely bars
Between me and my brother

We are forced to join in this ..king race
We are forced to compete in this ..king race
What is the reason of this ..king race
Who gets the booty from this ..king race

It's not fair
The inequality
The ..king race
Separates you from me

We are forced to join in this ..king race
We are forced to complete in this ..king race
What is the reason of this ..king race
Who gets the booty from this ..king race


I was so intrigued by this sentence in your liner notes: "And if there is an energic chorus, it can only tell about some bad thing."

Your vocals rock, and their energy works with the lyrics. The opening stanza, then the "king race" repetition made me think about the playground game "king of the hill." We just keep pushing each other down the hill, and for what?! Great message to muse on.

Glad I found this and listened!