Disco Fridge!

by @troubadette

Liner Notes

While unpacking groceries, I misheard "does this go in the fridge?" and this song happened. I may one day continue the saga of Disco Fridge but for now I'm gonna count it as a song even though it's just a chorus.


Disco Fridge, yeah he's a Disco Fridge
He used to be a man but now he is a fridge
And he is a fridge 'cause he pissed off a witch
Yeah, he's a Disco Fridge
Disco Fridge!
Disco Fridge!


I think I'm with @odilongreen on this one - it stands perfectly well on its own as a cartoon intro. Reveals enough of the story but leaves plenty of room for mystery and intrigue (after all, he and he alone knows what happens to his disco lights when the door is closed...) Fun and Funky.
love this. now you got me waiting on the verses.
Wow, I love everything about this.
Wow, what a grin-inducing delight! And it's the perfect length for the theme song of a short Adult Swim animated series! 😀
Oh, this is fab! Those vocals are absolutely on the money and I look forward to hearing more (much more, please) about the story of Mr Fridge.
ha ha came for the title and very funny how you got! classic fun disco song! great fun really enjoyed this!