
by @misfitgrit




[Verse 1]
There is a place of mystery
Where fantasy collides with history
The nerdy, no longer a minority
Normativity stripped of authority

At the renaissance fair
Love’s in the air
I can let down my hair
And wear what I wear
At the renaissance fair
I am a maiden fair


[Verse 2]
I tried being a queen one Halloween
But the crowds kept being mean
Put the dress back in the closet
In the darkness nearly lost it, but



[Verse 3]
In the time-warp of anachronism
My garb transcends criticism
Cottagecore dress and fairy wings
Flowing hair and heart strings


At the renaissance fair
I am a maiden fair


I love this! It's so fun. I appreciate the minority/normativity/authority, clever use of words! Really lovely guitar work as well, it feels very ren-fair-esque!
Sweet, and good-natured and great fun. I have never attended a ren faire but that third verse reminds me that there used to be a gang of people who would show up to them dressed in Starfleet uniforms and wander about brandishing tricorders. I believe they were eventually asked (politely) to leave and never come back.
I like how the verses flow into the chorus, and the interludes are beyond charming. You really captured the modern essence of being medieval with the tie in of the ren fair, which everyone already loves. Props on using the word anachronism, I feel you really nailed the prompt.