The One Who Got Away

by @scubed

Challenge: Idiom
The One Who Got Away


The One Who Got Away
©️2024 - words and music by Sharon Stepler

Nostalgia is overrated
Jagged edges understated
Water-color washes, unfocused lens

Watch your step on Memory Lane
Gaslights are on again
You can't tell what's golden and what's dust on the wind

That was yesterday
You're the one who got away
So they say
They all say

For the one who got away
It's okay
You're okay

You're hearing pretty lies
Excuses and alibis
History rewritten, no one you can trust

Remember how your heart
Shattered and fell apart
And your sweet illusions crumbled into dust


Mirror, mirror on the wall
I hope you're listening
Are you listening at all?



Great guitar picking, i am in need of a lot of practice to even come close to playing the first lick. Love the storytelling. Nice listen.
I like the way this hovers on the edge of absolute believability with a whisper of possibility that this is instead the certain-sounding inner voice justifying running away, outlawing living in relationship because it’s too painful. Like the internal monologue of avoidant attachment. Lovely singing and a great lyric. And I like the way the guitar makes it feel like a road song.
Beautiful heartfelt lyrics and music. Sincere and truthful.
great opening line, in fact a really fine lyric all through. lovely flow lyrically and in delivery
This is awesome Sharon! I'm behind on comments, but I have to say that I love these lyrics and your performance!