Sinner 25

by @charlie_leemburg

Skirmish: Totally Titular, Volume 3... (@robinleaf)
There is no demo for this song.

Liner Notes

More great titles, do I do a bunch maybe, maybe not maybe I'll come back maybe not.
I didn't know what the significance of 25 would be, but everyone loves a random, intriguing number
For some reason i could only think of R.E.M when I read that title, Driver 8, Pop Song 89, Star 69

The number 25 symbolizes in the Bible "grace upon grace."
"This implies a constant, overflowing gift. As believers, we are constantly being inundated with the grace of God, because of Jesus Christ."
inundated = "overwhelm (someone) with things or people to be dealt with."
A sinner = "a person who transgresses against divine law by committing an immoral act or acts."

Therefore Sinner 25 = "a person who transgresses against divine law by overwhelming (someone) with a constant, overflowing gift of god's grace"


All you want to happen, is the world to burn
Burn those that disagree, those who are against your ways
Pay the demon in the confession booth another dollar
To show that you still have another sorry tale
And if you think that we should love each other
Then why do I know you'd hate me if we met

So, if I'm not going to heaven, then why would hell let me in?
If you think you're saving souls, but end up ruining lives
Then you're not really a savior, you're sinner 25

How could you think that spending all these days living a ruined life
Will one day be turned around by the knuckles of your fingers pointing out to either side
Reading a book which word's read different every single time
Do you think you can be right if you never move with time
You will never find the highest point by staying in one place
If you never leave the nest you'll think your bones can never break

So, if I'm not going to heaven, then why would hell let me in?
If you think you're saving souls, but end up ruining lives
Then you're not really a savior, you're sinner 25

The efficiency of a life long tradition
The deficiency of critical intuition
The longevity of a tournament's first winner
The legacy of a leech; a gold digger
The potency of submission to autocracy
The irony of Christian hypocrisy

If you think you'll leave a past behind, that no one wants to bury
Then you don't want to be opressive, quite the contrary
If you think you're saving souls, but end up ruining lives
Then you're not really a savior, you're sinner 25


Wow, this is a really creative use of this randomly generated title! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 The lyrics are great. My favorite is "If you never leave the nest you'll think your bones can never break."
I think this counts as channeled writing to write so many words stating such a clear position and making it rhyme during a skirmish. Great symbolic references and other poetic touches too.
Wow, that is quite some complex lyrics to turn around in an hour, well done! I wonder whether you fitted in the number 25 research as well as the lyric, I've certainly learned something today. A couple of lines I really liked "You will never find the highest point by staying in one place" and "So, if I'm not going to heaven, then why would hell let me in?" 😎