Like Orpheus' Severed Head

by @ttg105

Liner Notes

#octolute #short

For anyone who likes and listens to dead musicians. I was thinking of Sandy Denny and Nick Drake.

From Wikipedia: "Feeling spurned by Orpheus for taking only male lovers, the Ciconian women, followers of Dionysus, first threw sticks and stones at him as he played, but his music was so beautiful even the rocks and branches refused to hit him. Enraged, the women tore him to pieces during the frenzy of their Bacchic orgies.

His head, still singing mournful songs, floated along with his lyre down the River Hebrus into the sea, after which the winds and waves carried them to the island of Lesbos."


Orpheus played beautiful music
and so did you

And like Orpheus's severed head
you're still singing even though you're dead
it's all here on this record


Ah, yikes, great Liner Notes.
Love those lyrics.
Gentle and contemplative.
A requiem for the dead.
Well done for sure.
Dreamy and floating octolute and melodica.
Short and poetic text - both wonderfully woven into a musical bow to these two great musicians!
As always, I really enjoyed listening!
Great comment on recording, and why dead performers continue to hog the stage. The music zeitgeist often needs a hook, but who gets to reach out and grab? Love the gentle octolute.
well i didnt know that one! i knew you couldn't kill good music! This is very pretty - you got me on octolute !
most of the music i listen to is by dead people, and your brief lyric found a perfect image to convey that reality. the music was gorgeous. as an aside, i was wondering if you had an orpheus complex. i admit that i have been laboring under one for over 55 years.
What an evocative use of that part of the Orpheus myth! The arpeggios, your voice floating above them, reciting those brief-but-pointed lyrics; it all adds up to something both shadowy and completely riveting.
This song is not just entertainment, it's an experience.
The only thing creepier than clowns are severed heads - lol Beautiful music paired with the perfect vocal vibe!