The Journey We Left Behind

by @musicsongwriter

Skirmish: "I've Been Everywhere" an... (@nightwing521)

Liner Notes

Thank you for the journey theme. I always enjoy composing about travelling. It so happens that while walking today, I met mum of my students I used to teach at school some years ago. She asked me whether I'd be travelling during the holidays, and I said that it is still hard for me to travel as I'm missing my husband who I sadly lost back in 2021. Although my music is connected with my personal memories, instrumentals are open to suggestions and interpretations. Please let me know what you hear, and whether you are happy to collaborate on a song version or you have other ideas for collaboration. Thank you, as always, for listening and for your comments. I appreciate them.

The title was suggested by AI.

#skirmish #acoustic #journey #collaborationswelcome

'The Journey We Left Behind' © 2024 Nadia Cripps. Music, Piano, Demo and Photo by Nadia Cripps.


A very powerful piece Nadia. Full of feeling and expression. How wonderful that music can convey our deepest emotions and speak where words fail.
Emotional piece, Nadia. I’m so sorry for your loss, and understand why it would still dampen your desire to travel. This has some beautiful chord changes, the most dramatic for me at 1:55. I hear anguish but also strength and determination. I love to hear you skirmishing!
I'd be interested in collaborating and yet...I don't think your piece needs anything. Beautifully done.
I can hear a bit of the sadness of "if only" in this piece.
Wow! That B-part really pops! What's the chord progression happening in the first and third lines? Really neat!!! Just wonderful contrast between the two sections. Great write!!!
Nice work! I like the melody on what I'm guessing is the chorus.