About my strange idea of love / Über meine seltsame Vorstellung von Liebe

by @mahtowin

Liner Notes

"Everytime I try to speak
it doesn't come out right
Everytime I try to say
It just sounds something like"

Leonard Cohen

And again Mr. Cohen inspired me!



Über meine seltsame Vorstellung von Liebe

Ich habe es aufgegeben,
mich mit zu teilen über meine seltsame Vorstellung von Liebe:
von Unterstützung,
von Wärme,
von Wohlwollen,
von Zuhören,
von Nähe.

Ich habe es auf gegeben,
erklären zu wollen,
dass die Liebe, wenn sie uns begegnet, genährt werden muss!
Mit Neugier,
mit Zärtlichkeit,
mit Bekentnis,
mit Zukunft mit Schutz.

Ich habe damit begonnen,
schnell zu gehen,
wenn ich von Dir nicht spüre
sich einzulassen,
und zu zulassen,
sich hinzugeben,
neu anzufangen
für uns.


About my strange idea of ​​love

I gave it up,
to share my strange idea of ​​love:
of support,
of warmth,
of benevolence,
of listening,
of Closeness..

I gave it up,
to want to explain
that love, when we meet her, must be nourished!
With curiosity,
with tenderness,
with confession,
with future
with protection.

I started with this
to go quickly,
if I don't feel from you
to get involved,
and to allow
to surrender,
to start again
for us.


Somewhere, there's a Venn diagram of Nico-era Velvet Underground, Peggy Lee's "Fever", and Portishead, and this song inhabits the space where they intersect. I had no idea what you were singing about until I scrolled down to comment and saw the translated lyrics, and it didn't stop me from loving every minute of this song. I love the bass groove here, I love your laid back vocals, so very, very cool. Great work!
I like the bass holding down the beat combined with the guitar-like one. Sounds very sparse and almost ghostly. Great lyrics - insightful and true. I can picture a chaos guitar solo at some point! Vocals are lovely - the doubled voices are very effective.
Get back to basics! The bass and drums do their cement thing. The odd guitar is just right, and the vocals swing it.
I guess at this time in my musical journey Cohen is my biggest inspiration so it’s a winner for me! Excellent lyric and has that slightly mystical feel, which I guess is apt for the topic, love that steady plodding music.
Love the lyrics! And the music is so cool, especially the backing vocals with the "yeah yeah yeah".