All You've Lost

by @orinthebard

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Liner Notes

Song from the perspective of grief, per a challenge on the forums 😃💖

#fuc #eaptc


I'm with you from the moment you start the day
When you wake
I'll punch you in the fucking stomach

And on your lunchbreak when you feel okay
Forget bout me?
I'm gonna make you cry in public

Oh, think of all you've lost
Everything you'll never have again
Oh, think of what it cost
Losing all these family and friends

And in the evening when you're driving home
Pull off the road
Cuz your face has no windshield wipers

And in the nighttime when you try to sleep
How bout you weep?
Until saltwater floods your earholes

Oh, think of all you've lost
Everything you'll never have again
Oh, think of what it cost
Losing all these family and friends

You're never gonna hug them again
You're never gonna hug them again
You're never gonna hug them again
You're never gonna hug them again

You're never gonna hug them again


Great lyrics, blunt and plainspoken and really *conveying* the subject emotion (and, incidentally, how easy it is to spiral into one's own head). That repeated last line refrain is just devastating. And the ironic thing is the uke sounds so cheerful! But it also just works, almost in a mocking way, which is terrific for the theme of the song.
I was already in place of sorrow when I listened to this, so the end part when the you're never gonna hug them again made me tear up.

Speaking of which, I really like the wipers and the saltwater parts.

The delivery of the song is beautiful, and in particular some of the ah ah ahs toward the end where really nice.
Wow. Yes, this is absolutely what grief feels like, especially in the early stages. And then every now and again, it surfaces again and punches you in the stomach again, just to make sure. Great work here.
You nailed it!
In dark times of grief it really felt this way!
I especially love the lines:
And in the nighttime when you try to sleep
How bout you weep?
Until saltwater floods your earholes