Assorted Thoughts About Bugs

by @charlie_leemburg

Skirmish: Bugs (@atornberg)
There is no demo for this song.

Liner Notes

You know what really bugs me? The algorithm. (falls down the stairs)


Goes, goes around the room
How did we get here?
How did we get here?
We can’t go out, the same way we came in
Well that’d be too easy
Oh we might die here
Maybe now or in a couple of days
To you it won’t matter anyways

Oh see you
Standing in the grass
We see the monolith
Moving, breathing
What are we to do?
Run away in fear, or climb to the top
What are we to do?
Just stand here in fear?

And every second feels like an eternity for we
And every day’s another day, another day of work
But hey, gotta keep the bloodline alive
So we can get stuck in a room
Make a home right under a broom
And wait, what are we to do?
Wait for you to put on that shoe?
What are we to do?

Now our life might seem a little sad
But every second matters from the first to the last
Some might need to suck all your blood
Other just need to ruin your crops
But do you deny us living
The same ways that you want to be living
What are you to do?
Oh, what are you to do?


Humans are the interlopers, we’re the ones that came late to the party. Live in harmony with nature? No thanks, we’d rather dominate and control. The bullshit notion that God made the earth for us and everything in it is for our exploitation.
Kill the weeds, spray the lawns, bulldoze the forests fill the streams. No need to fear aliens from other galaxies, we need to fear ourselves.
The Human Invasion.
Whenever I start to think that mosquitoes are nature’s mistake, I think about what humans have done to the earth and it brings me down a notch or two. I feel like this song is in the same spirit! Well done!
Aghhh this makes me so guilty about all the times I've been scared of the bugs in my home!! They're just lost and don't know where to go :[ What a great way to think about how we treat bugs. They are such beautiful little fellas. I especially liked the lines "But do you deny us living / The same ways that you want to be living" Great song!!
I love the insightful little bug’s point of view that you bring to this lyric! The questions poised make me both smile and think! Great take on the prompt!
Great take on a bug's perspective. Like a Bug's Life in song! :)