The Hole in the Street

by @ttg105

Liner Notes

No disrespect to the Chinese intended! I just wanted to play around with the old trope about digging a hole to China. Inspired by a real hole in the street!



Huge hole in the street
I want to look in it
but I'm afraid I'll fall in
what should I do?

Walk on the other side of the street
Walk on the other side of the street

But I couldn't resist its magnetic pull
so I leaned over and looked in
that's when a kid kicked me in the ass
and sent me flying into the hole

Sinking downward and downward
I lost consciousness and awoke
to the smell of Chinese food
"Wow - you really can dig a hole to China!"

I climbed out into a restaurant
but it wasn't in China
it was the Chinese restaurant
two blocks from my home


Yup my ol mum used to say it all the time! Made me smile this morning! Love that grungy guitar! And some pretty little melody in there! So much to listen to!
The guitar part after the “and sent me flying into the hole” is nice. A great tease to the start of the solo that takes place after the next verse. Makes it feel like a journey of discovery in the hole.

The background vocals during the walk on the other side of the street (and throughout) are really fun.
The end made me laugh!
While I was listening, a comic video was playing in my mind's eye... Psychodellic and very colorful!
Very cool song!
Weirdly funny lyrics. 😁 I read this, then stopped - wait, China? Is it really opposite of the United States? And if it is, what's opposite of Germany? So I googled it and found that someone had produced an "antipode finder" that lets you know exactly what's on the opposite side of the world: For the United States, it's the the middle of the Indian Ocean. For my home country Germany, it's also ocean, but close to New Zealand.
i was one of those kids who tried to dig a hole to china. im glad someone finally wrote a song about this common obsession (probably not as common as it used to be) love that heavy rock sound and the way you tell the story with the twist. my favorite parts though are the :I Cant" s.....even funnier since you did not include them in the lyric sheet
“The Chinese restaurant two blocks from my home” - lol! Clever! Cool beat! Dancing in my head.