Powód Powrotu do Domu

by @hmstreetteam

Skirmish: Homecoming/Homesickness (@robinleaf)

Liner Notes

The only idea I had, given the writing prompt “homecoming,” was this Polish phrase I had recently learned. It means “reasons to return home,” so that was where I started. In the end I had a dance tune about nerves in two languages.


Powód powrotu do domu
Raz dwa trzy

Left the lights on
There might be a shower
Windows open
What if we lose power

They won’t like my talk
I did not prepare
Is that a flying saucer
What if no one’s there

English Translation
Reasons to return home
One two three

Tłumaczenie na język polski
Zostawiłem włączone światła
Może być prysznic
Otwarte okna
Co jeśli stracimy moc

Nie spodoba im się moja prezentacja
Nie przygotowałem się
Czy to latający spodek
Co jeśli nikogo tam nie ma


Very relatable! Interesting idea to include two languages, and fun execution 💃
Great title - a song that inspires some thought at least it did for me. I often wonder what it feels like to leave a different country and have difficulty acclimating in a new world, and wondering if it was the right move.
As usual with dance tunes, I have no clue what's going on in the text. Flying saucers? Possibly showers? 😅 Oh, I think now I get it - you're listing reasons for actually turning around and going back home. Cause you left the lights on. Or because no one turns up for your talk anyway. That's clever! Kudos to texting in two different languages.
Thank you for posting your lyrics in both languages. Meaningful song and take on the prompt. Love the energy and the feel in your song.
I like this a lot. The chorus is really insistent and the Polish/English lyric is really interesting.