8. short stories I

by @knobbyneggins815

Liner Notes

An intermission for the project, "short stories I" is, spoilers, only half of a song.

To pull the curtain back a bit, I released an album in 2021 and was left sort of creatively rudderless after that. I have basically exclusively written Concept Albums and songs with some weird sci-fi bs, because being honest is very frickin' hard. In 2022, after I moved in with my partner, I decided to start writing music that was, like....actually ABOUT me. Not just in metaphor.

These songs are the result of that, and, frankly, there have been a lot of obstacles in the way (in addition to my own procrastination and lovely Brain Barriers) that kept me from actually finishing the project. I came up with a vague idea that would slowly evolve into a Trilogy of albums that are, shocker, actually personal!

Having only written this first album, I'm excited to get these out of the way so I can bring to life some ideas that feel old at this point. This song is one of those concepts that I'm fairly proud of, because I can't even do "Just An Album" without putting in weird ideas.

short stories I is half of a song, and I mean that in the sense that my plan is to have the final album in the trilogy have another intermission called "short stories II", and putting those songs together makes one complete song. I've already mixed and mastered "ssII" for these exact reasons, though no other song around it exists, lol.

So yeah, the song is about not feeling complete, and feeling empty, and only with something else having a shred of wholeness, because if you stack "short stories I" and "short stories II" onto each other, it works. So there, I spoiled an idea that will probably not even come to life until next FAWM! I dunno. I wanted to experiment a little!

With all that being said, here is this skeletal and slightly empty piece. Enjoy!

May 31st, 2023


The moral of the story,
The sum of all the parts,
The pieces of the whole,
Are waiting in the dark.

Put it altogether,
It feels like it belongs,
But you know it's not the same,
And you know it never was.

An echo from the forest,
Just within the trees,
Is begging me to run,
But I don't wanna leave.

Fight the "Fight Or Flight",
And every little urge,
To admit that there's a figure,
Just waiting to emerge.

Left on my own,
I'll just give up.
Call our your name,
Until something responds.


This is gorgeous & devastating. "Fight the "Fight Or Flight" / And every little urge" hit me like a truck. And your vocals! Incredible! This is really an amazing piece of work. Keep it up!!!