
by @nahlej381

Liner Notes

#lofi #koala #sampling


Love the gating on the sample. It makes the drums sound really cool. This is hypnotic.
As the others have said - you can’t help but nod and bop along to this. Love how dirty and in your face those drums are (like really aggressively in your face!). Mega claustrophobic atmosphere somehow, all those chops are really disconcerting in a great way. Oooh, cool ending with that little bit of radio noise. This rocks.
Any time a groove makes you do that little bop while you're sitting know that csapunch does in practically all her vids? This has a rather fun vibe to it. Sampling is such a fun exercise. A good deal of people sleep on it. Not me, though.
where my fork and spoon at? i don't even need a knife, that's how tender this is.
gimme dem' drums, tho.
c'mon man the choppy choppy is lovely in here hand in hand with that irresistible beat.
some slick turnarounds in there, i spy too.
dang man the grit and the dust with the swing on those drums has me seeing a neck doctor.
love the ending.
this is the kind of sampling i wish i could do!
"Schmmmmmmmmmmmmmmokinnnnnn'!!!" - also The Mask because 90s
this has that early 90s raw sound that i love in hip hop. i love how dirty those drums sound. i would love to hear some vocals on this one (though it works great as is). you can’t help but move your head to this beat. digging the stop start stuff with the beat and the samples towards the end