Look into the Sunset

by @charlie_leemburg

Skirmish: "SUNSET" (@corinnecurcio)

Liner Notes

I don't know what I'm doing



My worst advice, was look into the sunset
And the secrets it spoke
Was the thing that seeped into my ear, oh
And the places we've been were the very same ones
That would do us in, oh

I'm washing, your firewood
Prevents the same thing rising from the ashes would
When they take you, and they weigh you
Dropped in water floating like a rubber duck would
Stop the phases, take off the mask, oh
Strike a fire, light up the match, oh

My worst advice, was look into the sunset
And the secrets it spoke
Was the thing that seeped into my ear, oh
And the places we've been were the very same ones
That would do us in, oh

And what would I say
If I could talk to your face like I'd talk to your hand
If I hear what you'd have said
Maybe I would change the plans that I had
But we'll see fire trek us through the cold and
We'll never die no, together we are strong, oh

We'll see fire trek us through the snow and
We'll never die no, together we are strong, oh
We'll see fire trek us through the snow and
We'll never die no, together we are strong, oh
We'll see fire trek us through the snow and
We'll never die no, together we are strong, oh
We'll see fire trek us through the snow and
We'll never die no, together we are strong, oh


Love the busy crazy backing track and this genre. The vocal is crisp clear and adds a sense of dislocation, un-ease and is distinctly , punk and altogether brilliant! Someone below said frantic. Good word. I m not sure where the lyric is going exactly but for me that’s incidental to the effect of it. Great work.
This is different than mine but so creative and sort of frantic blend of great things!
Fun contrast between the shadowy characters and vivid imagery.
Looking beyond the sunset is very frightful here. Unknowing and events that have significant meanings. A bit frightening. Made me think a lot about the lyrics.
very interesting! got a delightful off-kilter vibe to it that is a good marriage of music and lyric! ...wild backing track there!
Quite intriguing lyrics and the music moves everything forward. I quite like this.