brown fruits

by @mahtowin

Liner Notes

As a German and European, the political and social situation worldwide, but especially in Europe and Germany, is very troubling for me. The unfortunately very good election results for parties from the sometimes radical right spectrum scare me. But the left-wing parties are no better either, at least when it comes to anti-Semitism!
The song is an expression of my fear but above all my anger!
Plus: during the Corona pandemic, I unfortunately found that vegetarians and dog lovers who practice yoga can also be anti-Semitic. Hitler was also a vegetarian and dog lover - just by the way.

In Germany, “Brown” refers to neo-fascist people - i.e. Nazis.

I'm not entirely happy with this song. It's still too soft and gentle for me - but I can't get it any better!
You are welcome to make suggestions or record something - so be open to a collab!

Bass, vocals and a drum loop

#needscollab #political


brown fruits
Don't tolerate the intolerant!
Too much tolerance will break our necks!

Don't give them space to grow their intolerant brown fruits!
Don't give them space to grow their intolerant brown fruits!

Don't let them plant a tree in our garden!

Don't let them in!

Don't let them sit on our table!
At least they sleep in our beds and make nightmares come true!
They make nightmare come true!
They may be vegetarian!
They may love their dogs!
But their dogs will bite us in the face!
And their vegetables will poison our sons and daughters!

Don't let them in!
Their songs will kill our dreams!
Don't let them in!


A worldwide concern sure to different degrees in different placed but a concern nonetheless. yup people need to stop it at the earliest opportunity or like a cancer it grows. you don,t need to shout to make a point as you prove here
I could write an essay inspired by your liner notes and lyrics but I'll spare you the time and just say I know all too well what you're talking about, I see plenty of it here in the US... it's a scary time but I'm holding hope that the cooler heads will prevail. And speaking of cool, this SLAPS! So danceable and groovy (and what good is a revolution without dancing?). A message worth shouting from the rooftops and dancing in the streets to.
I hear what you're saying about wanting a harder sound, but I really like this sound, too. It still has an edge and the lyrics are nicely pointed.
Great vocals, as always, and a groovy bass line. I like the pauses, which are effective, but not crazy about the electronica-type drums (but you knew that already!).
Ich bin’s wieder ;) I had another thought. What if you layered a german spoken-word track into this, and that is where the more poetic brown fruit imagery came in? Somehow I feel like that could be effektvoll…but just to be clear, these are only ideas, I don’t think you need to do anything at all!
I think you expressed it very well, and I like the groove of your bass/drum loop. One thing you could try would be to incorporate more imagery into the part about the fruit? Brown fruit, decaying on the tree…brown fruit as poison…just a thought if you wanted to play around with it!
i think you have done a fine job expressing your ideas in this song. I cant think of anything i could add that would improve it, though if I could, i certainly would be happy to.