I say yes over and over.

by @tunecat

Skirmish: To Say No (@ally_nicole)
There is no demo for this song.

Liner Notes

Not quite finished inspired by the prompt about needing to say no. I think I need to edit .. will do but it’s five am gonna catch some z s first

#sayno #sayyes


I say yes over and over.

I say yes
Over and over
Do your bidding
Cause I love you?
Over and over
Or cause I don’t want to die?

I told you then I’m near the end
A tether not a braid
We walked together once we did
But now I am afraid…

I told you no in dreams and yet
The saying of it fails me
I told you no but now it seems
The yes comes out and ails me.

I say yes
Over and over
Do your bidding
Cause I love you?
Over and over
Or cause I don’t want to die?

A yes is sweet and pungent
Full of possibility
Of joy to come of gratitude
Of letting things flow. Free.

A yes is opening to chance
Accepting what is offered
Improvising at a glance
Yes I’ll take what’s proffered.

This isn’t that though is it
When each time I agree?
I feel my heart sink
And I struggle inwardly

Others tell me ‘stand your ground’
Or tell him ‘no can do’
Yet the word that spills forth
Is ‘yes I will. of course. For you. ‘

The menace is inside my head
I can’t be not conceding
I’m full up though of fear and dread
And my smiling is misleading.

I hate to lead him on - he thinks
I’m doing this cause I care
Yes that too you know of course
I cannot let that go-don’t dare.

I’ve loved him strongly, fervently
I’ve wanted him to feel that too
My ardour tough and feverish
I wanted it to come right through

To wash away the shame and doubt
I’d fill him up with praise
From being doe eyed when he’s about
It turned to ‘don’t displease him’ in a daze

I hear him twist the story line
I’m never caring for his needs
I get it wrong he’s trying hard
Im failing him hes sowing seeds

If doubt confusion I’m on the edge
Of trying to find I’m understood

in selfish deeds.

I know himhis words they sounded nice
And reasonable and I m a bitch
To not to rally round his cry

ill will with hope to try
To give him what he needs
I’m not. I’m trying not to die. .


The Lament of the People Pleaser. You capture that confusing combination of compulsion and resentment that feels uncomfortably familiar. Glad you’re here, Liz. I’ve been thinking of you.
Lots of good lines and ideas that convey strong emotion!
Wow, this was really raw and poignant, awesome addition to this skirmish. Can't wait to hear the finished product! :)