Virtual Reality

by @rdlinder

There is no demo for this song.


I can live on a desert island
I can sail on the raging sea
I can be anywhere I want to
In virtual reality

I can see everyone I want to
I can take it for a solo spin
I can fight scary mighty scary dragons
I can take one on the chin

There's no limit I can find
'Cept of course the paying kind
Everything I do is free
In virtual reality

I can relax in meditation
I can flee from a scary dog
I can bowl a perfect game now
I can get lost in a fog

I can fish without a license
I can shoot pool with a shark
I can cook up massive dinners
Everything is just a lark

There's no limit I can find
'Cept of course the paying kind
Everything I do is free
In virtual reality

Take a tour in a magical land
Ocean waves and calming sand
It doesn't matter where I stand
Even play a concert grand

I can box 'til a full round knockout
I can hit homers 'til I'm bushed
I can shoot hoops like a pro can
I can shove when I've been pushed

There's no limit I can find
'Cept of course the paying kind
Everything I do is free
In virtual reality


This is really good. I like it.