Mr ( always) Right

by @tunecat


Liner Notes

Another quickie with a festival/cabaret tent and frivolous end in mind. Think I’m going to enter it in the repeating chords challenge. D Em D Em G A D.. which on listening back was a little loose in this demo ..


Mr always right

I am right
Mr always right
No matter what your arguments
I feel the need to fight

Cause I am right
One hundred percent.
Everybody else’s views
Are irrelevant.

I sometimes let ‘em think
I respect what they’re stating
To give ‘em a sense of inclusion
And practice debating.

But What I say goes
What you do sucks.
Keep ‘em on their toes
Give ‘em no fucks.

I got to keep ya
Under illusions
That I care
About your confusions

You haven’t got a clue
I have - I’m clear.
I’ll never let you take an inch
You needn’t be here.

I’ll take your power
You won’t protest.
You’ll cringe and cower
I’ll do the rest.

You’ll see me rise
You’ll watch me flourish.
Take my advice
Drop your courage

Just cry and crumble
You’ll get no look in.
‘Cause where I’m at
It’s me that’s cooking.

I’m raising a storm
I’m configuring a gale.
It’s of my making
And it just can’t fail.

Don’t stand too close
Don’t get in my way
I’m mr right
And this is my day.

I rid myself of troubles
I never look back
I destroy my enemies
Get ‘em off my back.

My path needs to be clear
And now it’s nearly there.
I’m here I’m Mr right
And right now. Be prepared.


Love the lyrics! I wish I could hear you better over the piano.
Fun and witty! We've all met this person!
Very clever lyrics, like them!
What a great punchy pointed lyric about someone I know! I didn’t know that you knew him too! 😁And thanks for the BD wishes!
Clever play on words. Well done!