
by @tunecat

Skirmish: birth (@kahlo2013)
There is no demo for this song.

Liner Notes

Hello!! Haven’t posted yet ( though write a couple that I will post) came accross the skirmish as I parked on a journey. This is what emerged. Ok might not be a song or might be . Not really about birth exactly but was what emerged from the prompt ..



Exiting into a world of growth
Of newness
Scream at the beginning.

Your little heart
All alone
Your fingers
Clawing at the air and to reach for

People to hold onto.
And yet explore
Each day more ..

You are a miracle of bringing into being
Some cells encased in skin
You are a miracle of fragility
In your robustness
Hollering the ceiling down
And getting what you need
No need to work on it.

Soft and smooth and perfect
A life form in miniature
Sweet smelling and delicate
And bringing all to states of empathy and calm
And cooing.

And understanding this
The preciousness of tiny beginnings
Challenging our jaded outlooks
Now we gaze wide eyed on
Something so cute
Our chests explode with
Ditzy admiration
You bathe us in a sense of adorableness we
Have inside and can’t ignore

You micro-being
Just recently


It seems like an eternity ago, and to remember these moments is a great way to read a lyric. I spent the afternoon with three grandchildren who are now in their late teens and 20 somethings. They are so much adults now, and this brings back their beginning as well.
Oh I really love how you capture birth in its purity and innocence with such vivid images and insight. Well done! Thanks for joining the skirmish!