Birth of a Brand New Doom for Our Pre-Owned Hopefulness

by @charlie_leemburg

Skirmish: birth (@kahlo2013)
There is no demo for this song.

Liner Notes

Happy birthday @kahlo2013! This is not a happy song, but I didn't have to make one, so I didn't.


Everywhere I see the little bright faces
Of people who see everything and everything going in their favor
All they want is some God to be their best friend
Hold their sweat hands, wipe their forehead
Hope all their enemies are smitten off the earth

But the birth, of a brand new doom
That is what I'm betting on
They had that pre-owned hopefulness
And now it's my turn to have it

Say they always had this success
I don't trust any word they've said
Said it was a gift from the heavens
That will cherish forever, will never come to bite them
If I could see their face when they think they could say that again

But the birth, of a brand new doom
That is what I'm betting on
They had that pre-owned hopefulness
And now it's my turn to have it

And if I could have it, what will I do?
I'll make them stop pretending that their dreams can come true

They're the ones who think they're right, no matter what you say
And they'll never change their mind if you stand in their way
So all you gotta do, is use their guns against them
So why don't wish upon a star
If they think it has a chance to work

But the birth, of a brand new doom
That is what I'm betting on
They had that pre-owned hopefulness
And now it's my turn to have it

It's not hard to make a dent in happiness
But it's hard to try to mend that happiness
And when they've tried to put an end to progress
What can you do but end their own?
So throw in the match and let the flames grow

The birth, of a brand new doom
That is what I'm betting on
They had that pre-owned hopefulness
And now it's my turn to have it

I'll make them stop pretending that their dreams can come true


Nice take on the old tension between optimism and pessimism, with some layers and twists — landing on the paradox of being optimistic about pessimism. Tightly written.
Love the word play ‘ of a brand new doom’ . What a deep dark oeuvre!
Wow! That is powerful and dark! What a strong hook and you develop it so well. Very thought provoking! Thanks for hoping the skirmish and for the BD wishes!