
by @edwardsmusic

Liner Notes

This was my attempt at writing a song similar to "Carol" by the Peep Tempel. The song also uses that song's chord progression and tempo.

I haven't actually listened to the original recording, but I was introduced to it through other bands playing the song live on a couple of occasions. I also played it in a jam session with other musos (at the time, I was playing drums).

I used the cut-up technique to cut up the lyrics of "Carol" and similar songs by other Australian bands, and used those disconnected words and phrases to write new lines.

#rock #punk #alternative


[verse 1]
You can't tell me what to do
You think you're sanctimonious
Situations you drag me into
You're always solicitous

[verse 2]
You are a complete philistine
When it comes to the arts
Just a slave to the machine
How about you kiss my arse



[Verse 3]
Always best to be positive
Sit and pretend you're my friend
You've got ulterior motives
Well you'll never hear the end


[Verse 4]
I'm bored of the rest of this song
Pride is a terrible failing
Seems I'm right and you're wrong
It's never been plain sailing


Haven’t heard the original either but what a clever idea! Infectious beat here. Gotta love some attitude!
I can't say I've heard of the song you talk about but I've heard this one now and I like it man. Tempo is great and the whole vibe of music, vocals and lyrics combine perfectly. It's got swag and bags of attitude ouzing through the delivery and words, very cool song man!
Nice stacked vocals on the "ahs". Great attitude in this song. Oh what a cool interlude with the organ synth! Nice guitar and bass.
Love that organ. Very cool technique on the lyrics! Also the harmonies on the aaahs are awesome! This definitely has a cool retro feel, I dig it.