The Lucky Ticket-Holder

by @dr_griff

The Lucky Ticket-Holder

Liner Notes

This is NSFW because it's about the Long Walk - Stephen King's story. We go up to the first lucky ticket-holder and stop there. I advise not listening if you want to avoid spoilers.

This is a cheery, bouncy tune about something horrific. My brain does this. I don't make the rules. *weak smile* I blame the guy who's recently started doing a recap of this novel as if he were a radio or TV sports reporter reporting on it (

#stephenking #cheeriose #horror


C Am
Early morning at the border
A hundred boys are lining up to start
C Am
They’ve got mojo, they’ve got numbers
And all of them are certain they’ve got heart

There’s the Major giving numbers
And a word of praise to each and every boy
They’re all dazzled - he’s important
And he sees them as he’s giving them the joy

Chorus 1
It’s the Long Walk, it’s the Prize shot
The records they’re convinced that they can break
F C Am
Hold on steady, best get ready
For the last and longest walk you’ll ever take

It’s the Long Walk, it’s the Prize shot
They’ve all convinced themselves that they can win
Hold on steady, best get ready
To be as tired as you have ever been

They are starting, walking quickly
Don’t want to drop below the speed they set
There’s a warning, it’s the first one
Will that Walker’s ticket be the first we get?

There’s the soldiers on the halftrack
Hand picked from the finest of the Squads
Don’t annoy them, look away now
They’ll be the ones to ticket all the frauds

Chorus 1

There’s a warning and another
Curley’s got a charley horse, they say
It’s been eight miles since we started
And isn’t it a lovely, perfect day?

Look at Curley, he’s too slow now
His limp has taken him below the speed
And the soldiers take their guns out
The boys all gasp but they know what they need

Chorus 1

Now the guns roar, Curley’s screaming
And the other boys are suddenly aware
That’s a ticket, and he’s dead now
And they all are thinking wait, this isn’t fair

But they knew this when they signed up
They just never thought that it would all be real
So they march on, less a Walker
And you probably know what they all feel

And now Curley is a dead man
He’s the lucky ticket-holder; that’s his Prize
All the boys now wondering whether
That’s the only one to which they’ll ever rise

Chorus 2
It’s the Long Walk, it’s the Prize shot
The thing they were convinced that that it was fake
Hold on steady, best get ready
For the last and longest walk you’ll ever take

It’s the Long Walk, it’s the Prize shot
They’d all convinced themselves that they could win
Hold on steady, best get ready
To be as dead as you have ever been

Yeah, you’ll be as dead as you have ever been

(Have fun!)


Not familiar with the story but I now know. This song makes me want to go read it. Great storytelling, great cadence, rhymes, the whole package. Great job.

O and I loved the have fun line at the very end.
Fabulous story telling - of a difficult story. Really wonderful rhythms and melody drive the song along with the walk… you brought this to life in a compelling way -with a wonderful sound to listen to but with the bite and sorrow of the situation. Well done.
I love this trend of adapting other books and movies into songs. I didn’t know the story either and I didn’t have to, you tell it all anf at a perfect pace, playing faster and faster as the tension builds works really well for this song as the plot gets more complex.
Amazing storytelling. I imagine woody guthrie would have written a song like this had he stayed alive long enough to read stephen king. you do a fine job with it in woody's absence. id like to hear more songs adapted from stories. they would be al lot better than those cmic books we used to read that were abridged from classic novels.
I don't know the story (never read any Stephen King) but I don't think it matters. It's a lovely folky tune and even not knowing the story I'm getting a sense that something a bit weird is going on...