The Shattered Sky and the Mad Hatter Breeze

by @ttg105

Liner Notes

Lyrics: I went for imagery over meaning!



The accordion wings of the storybook dragon
the worn wheels of the fancy red wagon
the whirling girl in a glass case
the sterling starling with a sullen face

The bubbling cauldrons of long pigs
the holy windstorm of chapped lips
the curled up serpents of errant brain waves
the cresting foam of the lonely waves

The gold of consciousness and the silver of sleep
the jitters of jesters and the shivers of sheep
the splintered bark falling off bald trees
The shattered sky and the mad hatter breeze


Dang I love these lyrics. A masterclass in interpretive/impressionistic lyricism. Paints around a picture of a thing…hinting, never showing, making the listen finish the circuits in their mind. Beautifully done!
Reminds me of Hayao Miyazaki animations. I like the quiet and tender quality to the playing and vocals..It's nice when the (synth accordion?) comes in.
This poem is so poetic and draws it‘s own pictures in my head! Again no need to be translated - it resonates without understanding every word!
Accompanied by your delightful music!
Pure joy to listen to while i watch birds in my garden!