Evil Lives Here // 7in7 // Piano & Vox

by @mrtylerlarson

Evil Lives Here // 7in7 // Piano & Vox

Liner Notes

Written and Recorded July 10, 2024 by Mr. Tyler Larson


7in7 Prompt: Write a song showcasing the villain of a TV show or movie... my TV show is: Evil Lives Here... it's about like serial killers and stuff... I kept it short 'cuz I don't love writing about this kinda stuff.

perfect lawn
imported grass
but don’t go in the basement

no fire escape
to get out fast
so don’t go in the basement

Everybody’s so surprised
but looking back you’ll see the signs

Nobody knew
for thirty years
to not go in the basement

They were certain
their tracks were clear
from cleaning up the basement

Everybody’s so surprised
but looking back you’ll see the signs

perfect lawn
imported grass
so don’t go in the basement


Joyful flow to this song. Love the clarity of the vocal. Enjoyed the story telling aspect of the lyric. Nice work.
This is great! Love the bouncy sound to contrast the dark subject matter. Very nice!