Two Wrongs Don't Make One Right

by @musicsongwriter

Skirmish: You Were Wrong (@robinleaf)


Thank you @robinleaf for the inspiration. I thought of the phrase which I really like, and it became the title of my piece. I have the piano recorded separately, in case someone hears the words and is happy to collaborate with me. I can imagine it as a song. I can imagine a story about a relationship when one is being unfaithful and another person is hearing friends' advice to be unfaithful too, to get even, but the response is that two wrongs don't make one right. It's just one of the ideas I had while composing my music. Please let me know what you hear and if you are happy to collaborate with me. Thank you for listening and for sharing your thoughts. I've now uploaded a separate piano track on 11/07 to give an idea how the piano sounds if someone would like to add vocals or instrumentation. Please let me know if it's of interest. Here is the link:

#skirmish #instrumental #collaborationswelcome
'Two Wrongs Don't Make One Right' © 2024 Nadia Cripps. Music, Piano, Keyboard and Demo by Nadia Cripps.


Wonderful feeling. You should write for the theater!
Very artful. I can imagine this as part of an epic stage show. Great arrangement between synth and piano.
this is such a wonderful arrangement! loved reading the liner notes, too. Nicely done.
Ah, THERE'S some synth! Forgot you do that from time to time. Excellent use of it on this wonderful song. Keep 'em coming! ❤️
Lovely track very graceful and I can hear the title here and there.
What incredible passion and grandeur! Really shines through in both the piano and the epic strings. Agree with @hmstreetteam’s storm on the water image, I think that’s the perfect accompanying visual. Powerful work, well done Nadia!
Really wonderful phrasing and melody that fits the title perfectly. The flow and dynamics really convey a depth of feeling. Gorgeous! The melody really sings!
Vast and sweeping. Truly beautiful work! I love the combination of piano and synth. I love the build up starting around the 1 minute mark, that dark piano is equally menacing and graceful. Many breathtaking moments here, this is a masterpiece!
Beautiful soundscape. Great movement in both the backing piano and melodic synth. Well done
I get a feeling of a storm on the water, maybe from the hard-hitting bass notes. Strong way to set the scene for something.
Beautiful evocative music. Can imagine it being a soundtrack to a film. Would be interesting as well to see if anyone comes up with lyrics for it