
by @ttg105


Liner Notes

#punk #loud # #monsterbass #chaosguitar

I picture this as occurring in a quiet retirement community.


Golden Springs was shit out of luck
when a lawnmower ran amok
and mowed down all the cars, bikes
people and houses in the neighborhood

It was on a rampage and wouldn't stop
so a set of garden tools made it stop
- a rake, a garden shears, a hose, protective gloves -
joined together to defeat the lawnmower

The gloves grabbed it
the garden shears stabbed it
the hose flooded it
the rake jammed itself
into the engine
and fucked it
up real good

By the time the police arrived
the vigilante garden gang
had gone back to their shed
and the lawnmower? It was dead
and couldn't hurt anyone any more


Nice punk sound to this, the lyrics give me a cool Dr. Seuss type vibe of a lawnmower that has gone amok story with people trying to stop it, but it is the clever objects that come to the rescue!
Ah this is classic ttg sensible mania - very catchy got a bit more Pixies feel here and thats good by me
this is a madcap marx brothers -style short animated by Jan Švankmajer.
“Quiet retirement community” - lol! I can see the whole gang. Boomers run amok… Gotta love those drums!
what a groove! Great bass line!
What's going on in the front yard can scare you! But thank God there is a vigilante group!
I would still be interested in the reason for the shooting.

Such a cool song - makes me jump around in my living room …
Those tags don't lie. The sound of the whole band performing on a flatbed truck as it careers down a mountain track with the amps turned up to eleven. While it's on fire. Deep joy.