My Wife Knows

by @esc4p3

Skirmish: You Were Wrong (@robinleaf)
There is no demo for this song.

Liner Notes

Ok. I have only ever written a couple of lyrics in all my days and I've never posted any on here before, so go easy on me! I had sat down intending to just relax and not do any music, but I opened the laptop....then I browsed to this site and saw there was a live skirmish. Darn!

So here goes. I am an instrumental person usually, but this lyric came out quite quickly, such that it is. I can't really see me setting it to music, but I've got until the end of September 😆


There are often times when I am wrong
According to my wife
But that’s fine, we don’t agree but still get along
And life
Goes on

A task may not get done quite perfectly, the way it was explained
By my lovely wife
It would be easy, to let relations become too strained
But they don’t,
And life, goes on

How do I know
There’s only one way to go
The right path I’ve been shown
I’ve gotta go with the flow

Sometimes I wonder, what it is I need to do exactly
So I go check with my wife
Just do it correctly, she says matter-of-factly
And so I do
And life, goes on

How do I know
There’s only one way to go
The right path I’ve been shown
I’ve gotta go with the flow

Dear reader, you may think that I don’t love my wife
But I can assure you, I really do
In fact without her, I’d be pretty lost in life
And I’m not entirely sure
That life
Would go on

How do I know
There’s only one way to go
The right path I’ve been shown
I’ve gotta go with the flow


This is a lovely first lyric. I can tell that you and your wife have a very understanding and mutually accepting relationship. I love this line, 'Just do it correctly, she says matter-of-factly'. Sounds like something I would say -lol. Look forward to reading and hearing more!
Nice job! I think you need to write even more lyrics! You’re obviously good at it!
This is such a delightfully quirky tribute to a loving relationship where there is trust and respect and appreciation for the unique attributes one brings to the relationship. I think my wife would agree with your perspective…. Really wonderful write and so glad you did a lyric for a skirmish!
DEE lightful!!! :-D I love it!!! And I may be in love with your wife; it's obvious that YOU are :-) Good write!

Now take your (rather spectacular) melodic ability and apply it to your lyric. I wanna hear it!!! :-)
Ha! This is a great little love song. I love the "dear reader" fourth wall break. What a sweet direction to take the prompt! Lovely lyrics!
Sounds like your wife is your backbone to me. That's a good thing. And to me, this sounds like a quirky love song to her.