I've always wanted to be understood by EVERYONE!

by @mahtowin

Liner Notes

#bass #vocals

Had a conversation with Pennyfeather yesterday about languages. I don't feel so comfortable singing in English because I don't know how it sounds for a native speaker .... and people usually don't want to listen to German (even many Germans don't want!).

So here we go! I made a song without words! Only dubiduus! 😃




The universal sound language! this has a very full sound, it sure fills my ears in the phones. so really nice layering here! and cool bass again
This is a very cool song! The bass is somehow simultaneously light and bouncy and dark and eerie, but the vocals pull the song toward the light. Your vocals are always so ethereal, even when you sing in lower registers, and it works really well here. Great job!
I like this recording and the reasoning behind it! It's spacious, very nice!
interesting solution to the language problem, perhaps going wordless with meaningless syllables is really the way to be understood by everyone. if not a universal remedy, it works with you because your music itself is the real means of communication, which we understand whether you are singing in english or german.
Nice bass line and excellent vocals, which overlap and produce a very sweet sound! It all sounds great swirling around in my headphones! Great title!
Surreal vocals! Really cool! And, yes, to be understood is important to me. Rarely happens. 🤔
I dunno, I think your accent in English is perfect for your songs; it adds a lot of interest, a lot of character.
Great in my headphones with the vocals jumping around.
And of course I love your cool bass playing.
I enjoyed this very much.