From Nemo To Parthenon

by @engebretsen

From Nemo To Parthenon

Liner Notes

#orchestral #synth #epic #instrumental
My song to Vangelis. Nemo was his studio in London. Parthenon is a famous temple in Athens. The Greek myth in all of this. Vangelis moved to Athens in his youth. And all the sounds in this song? They are mine. But of course Vangelis had made a great influence on what I do. Particularly the albums "Direct" "Oceanic", "Rosetta" and of course "From Juno to Jupiter" which became his last album. How do I came up with this song? Besides the obvisious fact that Vangelis ment a lot to my musical taste, it also took some years from when I started doing music (2012) to actually come up with this. Sort of finally adult now. And I am proud of this song. Really. It has been a long time work on this. But 50/90 kicked in, so I finally could finish it. Hope you enjoy.




This is wonderfully lush, with a lovely mystical feel. I really like the swing of sorts that the soaring sounds appearing now and then create. Great track!
Full of groove and chill, very peaceful listen!
I really dig the textures on this track, I imagine some underwater cave with crystals having formed all around when I listen to this.
Excellent. Vangelis is still a big influence on my music tastes. Each year I add more.