4. Spaces Between

by @knobbyneggins815

Liner Notes

2nd part of a 3-part suite for my (hopefully first and not last?) project for 50/90 called Memory Ln. I did the vocals for this a few weeks ago, the mixing was a bastard (and still far from acceptable lol), but I got it done and wanted it out alongside the two other tracks that surround it. It's fresher than some of the ones that are over 2 years, but it's still been a year since the lyrics were written!

This song is based on my family experience with dementia. Two of my grandparents have suffered and passed from it. Watching them fade into different people was a sobering experience, and I am always wondering about the worst thing to lose: your sense of self.

When it comes to memories and nostalgia, you can't forget the part of it that is the hardest to accept: it's all malleable. What we remember may not be what actually happened, and to see the end result of that is frightening, but worthy to think about. Anyways, enough bumming folks out, I'll let the song speak for itself.

July 13th, 2023.


Verse 1:
All of the photographs,
Staging a smile and a laugh, for us.
Page after page,
Day after day, ain't enough.

"You're all that you could have been",
Over and over again, you say.
Forgive all the moments,
That a somber condolence couldn't save.

The things that you wanted to be,
The lives that you learned to drop and leave,
The people and places,
They fill up the Spaces Between.

Forget all the faces,
But remember the
Spaces Between.

When all my feral contradictions
Choose to capsize,
My predilection to the
Fiction will be compromised.

When there's no distinction of
What is wrong or right,
I'll collapse into nothing,
The abyss will be crushing my mind.

There's all this sickness that I
Witnessed in my family,
And I did not sky my
Generation's form of atrophy,

Yet there's such beauty
In all the things I've seen.
All of the faces,
All of the places.
All of the Spaces Between.

And I hope that I remember,
But I don't think I'll remember.
And I hope that I'll get better,
But I don't think I'll get better.

Verse 2:
The silence is so damn loud,
Before all the stars die out and leave.
Passing the threshold where the
Gods and the Devils reconvene.

And if this a dying dream,
I'll exist in the Spaces Between.


Dementia is hard- I used to work on a locked memory ward. You've captured the feelings so well. I really love the instrumental on this track, it's meloncholy and that, I can't tell what exactly it is, but that noise bit it really encapsulates that feels like, well, the spaces between. Like static. "And I hope that I remember, / But I don't think I'll remember. / And I hope that I'll get better, / But I don't think I'll get better" is utterly heartbreaking. A dying dream indeed. Hats off to you, friend. This is a heavy piece & you've made it beautiful.
Ugh, the different vocal layers work so great on this, love the contrast of your falsetto with your deeper, moodier register, and then when it all comes together on "All of the Spaces Between"-- goosebumps. Lots of great lyrics and storytelling throughout, but I especially love that "When all my feral contradictions/Choose to capsize" line.
Very moody, lovely melancholy feel.