Das rote Sofa / the red sofa

by @mahtowin · @ttg105

Liner Notes

Pennyfeather says: "Went back to 2008 for this riff, which my son, Pennyfeather Jr, came up with when he was just learning guitar. But hey - a good riff is a good riff!"

He's definitely right about that!

bear says: the text follows a good tradition of ours: writing nonsense. It's not always easy for me because as a typical German (at least in this matter), I always like to think very deeply and ideally about EVERYTHING!

Translation below as always :-)


Das rote Sofa

Wir sitzen auf dem roten Sofa
und trinken bittren Tee
der war mal grün
doch, wie ich das seh ist er jetzt braun wie ein Reh!

Wir sitzen auf dem roten Sofa
und ich grins dir ins Gesicht!
Und wenn's auch dummes zeug ist,
so reichts doch für'n Gedicht!

Wir sitzen auf dem roten Sofa und reden dummes Zeug
" Das war noch niemals anders!" sagt Du mir ganz scheu.
"Und das ist das, worüber ich mich so freu!"

Wir sitzen auf dem roten Sofa undich grins Dir ins Gesicht ...

Komm zu mir aufs rote Sofa!
Lass uns freie Assoziationsketten schmieden!
Keiner will das wissen!
Doch ich hab heut sonst nichts zu bieten!
Aber dafür solltest Du mich lieben!


The red sofa

We are sitting on the red sofa
and drink bitter tea
it used to be green
But as I see , it's now as brown as a deer!

We are sitting on the red sofa
and I'll grin in your face!
And even if it's stupid stuff,
That's enough for a poem!

We sit on the red sofa and talk stupid things
"It's never been different!" You tell me very shyly.
"And that's what I'm so happy about!"

We're sitting on the red sofa and I'm grinning in your face...

Come to me on the red sofa!
Let's forge free association chains!
Nobody wants to know that!
But I have nothing else to offer today!
But you should love me for that!



Sometimes nonsensical is what's called for. Sounds like fun was had by all involved. I can even detect the resistance to not be too cerebral. Clever turns of phrase happening. "it used to be green
But as I see , it's now as brown as a deer!" - awesome line. Love it.
your tracks are not to be missed as i have said before i can hear both your influence yet you create something new and different - love the oh ohs
In addition to the whole silly yangtangle, I like the way the clean background vocals on each channel ook and eek, clattering against the chaos guitar.