FAWM's Algorithm's Least Favorite Song

by @charlie_leemburg

Liner Notes

So this track was going to be used for a song on my album, but I didn't like how it sounded, so I got a bit burnt out on that. So I made this which is kind of a rant.
Like yes the new sort by magic feature is better than sorting by time.
It's just that for me I still have that one gripe I've always had that when I do a skirmish, and I do it in like 15 minutes it gets more comments than a song I spent hours on
Like my normal songs get an average of 2 comments
And my skirmishes 6 comments



FAWM's Algorithm's least favorite song
Stuck as a zong on page 21
Between two songs with 70 comments

Our innate desire for attention
Is overruled by our robot overlords

FAWM's Algorithm's least favorite song
Stuck as a zong on page 21
Between two songs with 70 comments

FAWM's Algorithm's least favorite song
Stuck as a zong on page 21
Between two songs with 70 comments

FAWM's Algorithm's least favorite song
Stuck as a zong on page 21
Between two songs with 70 comments

FAWM's Algorithm's least favorite song
Stuck as a zong on page 21
Between two songs with 70 comments


I almost feel bad for commenting on this song, which makes it fall even further 😀 Cool instrumentation, it's giving a very nice wide feel
Ouuhff, I hear your frustration 100%. It's like a slap to the face when you spend so much time and put your energy into a song, but it doesn't perform the way you were hoping. If it makes you feel any better, this instrumental is such a cool vibe, and you've got yourself a new follower! I look forward to commenting!

P.S., has anybody told you that you sound a bit like Bo Burnham?!