Oh, So It Was You

by @russkeys

Challenge: Descending Chords
Oh, So It Was You

Liner Notes

This song is for the #commentsfirst challenge. It also fulfills the #descendingchords challenge. The comments requested the following:
*5/4 time - for this I cheated in the chorus and used 7/4, 4/4, 4/4 to fit into the 5/4 scheme
*Sound like Alan Parson's Project - well I got the intro and a couple of crappy synth solos but missed the space and reverb.
*Flute part - I learned that MuseScore has a really good flute sound
*Two Bridges - well 2 different synth solos, does that count?
*Last verse is the 1st verse in reverse
*Classic mysteries reference - Hercule Poirot! who else?

The lyrics are a version of a song from a previous FAWM that never got a demo. They fit the mood of the song as it was evolving but I don't think they actually help it much.

I hated this song throughout most of the recording and production. However there was something enchanting about the chord progression and melody for me so I kept at it. But more didn't equal better.

My apologies in advance to those who get thru the whole thing. I didn't use autotune on my vocals (don't have it yet) but should have.

This is a Frankeintune, a patchwork of disparate parts. There are some interesting bits but as a whole I don't think it makes the cut.
Oh well.


We came from opposite
ends of the earth
to a place just as far away
each of us at a
cross-roads in life
looking to find a new way

With a vague promise
and naught but a name
each of us ventured blindly forth
not knowing what we’d
find in that Gothic
city in the Isles way up north

Sometimes you have to just trust spirit
Meditate and then you’ll hear it
Follow the light you’ll get near it
Let Spirit flow into your life.

What brings you here?
we answer each other
we find we have matching clues
for a spiritual journey
discovering that
our inner voice speaks true

With puzzle clues that so obviously match
it doesn’t take Hercule Poirot
to see that we were
meant to cross paths
to share the things
about spirit we know


I see your light, you speak my name, I tell you about our spirit group
you say you’ve met the same, we both have funny stories
of unexpected manifestations leading to our meeting
that confirms our inner life is real


Fun and adventurous song! Seldom do I make comparisons to other artists and songs, but are you familiar with "Inca Roads" by Frank Zappa? I'm getting that vibe.
Such awesome sounds in my headphones, and a great groove that keep me on my toes. And as a meditator, I appreciate the meditation reference.
I enjoyed the allusions to classic mysteries.
What a unique idea to have the final verse be the first verse played backwards!
Two bridges is a really cool idea!
I can't imagine this song without that cool flute part.
Really impressive how you worked in the sound and style of Alan parsons project to this.
It's so cool how you used a 5/4 time signature, that's really unusual and gives the song a very unique feeling!