Fast Time Or Slow Time

by @jeff9

Liner Notes

Talking to someone the other day who said they were from a small town called Union City that sort of straddles the line between Indiana and Ohio. One state recognizes daylight savings time and the other one doesn't, so she said that whenever somebody refers to a time of day, they're often asked if they mean "fast time or slow time". Sounded like a song to me.


Fast Time Or Slow Time
Words & Music - Jeff Walker

I’m from a little town on the Indiana line
Where 10:30 might mean half past nine
If you make a plan to meet up with your friend
To avoid confusion on exactly when
Better let ‘em know…
Fast time or slow time

The Hoosier side goes by one time zone 
While the Buckeye state uses one of its own
So at happy hour in half the town
It ain’t at the bar just three doors down
Always good to know…
Fast time or slow time

Sun comes up
Sun goes down
No matter what the clock says
In my crazy little town

Bought a new device for my new nightstand
Supposed to respond to my voice command 
I plugged it in and then I turned it on
And said to it “Alexa, wake me up at dawn”
 But she said…
“Fast time or slow time?”


What a cool song idea! Wonderful story telling. Love the country treatment - great sounding vocals and all the guitars are doing a great job. The slide guitar is a very nice touch. Perfect treatment of the title line at the end of each verse. Wonderful bridge - perfect compliment to the wordy verses - and great lyrics and melody. Great song!!
I never gave this problem a thought. This song is an eye opener!
I know that town - I'm an Ohioan transplanted to Florida. Sharp and clever lyrics and an awesome roadhouse jukebox bounce. Love it!
Great song based on an interesting idea. I have a sister that lives in Indiana and I have a recollection that at one time various sections of the state had different time zones. Not any more, I don't think.

Love the pedal steel, by the way! ❤️
This a treat and a great listen...a tight write with a different angle on things and a high-end country feel to boot! 👍🏼
Just as a rolling tumbleweed catches the eye of cityfolk passing through a town, so to does this lyric capture the eye, and its song hold the ear!

Great twang and country in this tune! And with lyrics like that, one just might not have to be swayed to bet the farm on it ever being a hit with those who hear it--because it is from its get go.

Interesting how it all came about, and just as classic is the time theme and its telling story. Yeehaw! Clever recognition you had of that about this tale--pre-write and performance. Thanks for sharing.
what a terrific title...and a unique situation. must be a paradise for nighthawkers..two happy hours a day and two chances at picking up a date at closing time. we learn something new every day. we dont have daylight savings time in peru, so i have to remember when we are on central and when we are on eastern time. but i wont have to worry about that much longer. we're moving to florida at the end of the month.
You had me on the first line! Classic Jeff! Great song prompt, well done! Love your lyrical examples of the pain-in-the-neck confusion of this situation. Great wrap-up, too!
Classic country - cant beat the steel! Even the production gives that old country feel!. A really nice very listenable song! easy off in country hits album
Hey, Jeff, great to hear you again. Another winner! Such classic country!
I call it time travel... going from East to Central and back... nice song.
This is very adorable. I love the country feel in combination with the unexpected subject matter. Great singing, fun subject matter, and altogether quite catchy. Nicely done.