Majestic Majestica (Film Trailer music)

by @esc4p3

Liner Notes

Oh yes, I forgot about the Laptop upgrade! I believe without 32Gb of RAM and a 4Tb SSD this library would not have run.

This track is entirely a virtual orchestra library by 8Dio called Majestica Ultra. It takes quite a toll on the hardware running it, but wow it is worth it. All this track really is, is a demo of my trying to get to grips with all the different settings and articulations. I strongly suspect this library will be used again during 5090.

It turned out to be a bit of a blockbuster movie sequence I think!

Used to make this track:
Reaper DAW
8Dio Majestica Ultra orchestra

#orchestral #epic #film


This is majestic indeed! My favorite sound is what I'm guessing is oboe. The cinematic hits definitely add the drama!
Intense and foreboding! The army is on the march ... and heading towards us! Fight or flee, the moment is upon us!

So yes, very, very cool! 😀
The BRAAAAM is strong with this one. The high strings give a powerful sense of tension, with an option to move into subsequent peril. Definitely worthy of the #epic tag and I would definitely watch the film.

Big 8DIO fan here. At 66 gigabytes, Majestika's pretty hefty, innit? I wondered if you were using their Epic Taiko Ensemble too, which is rather spiffy. But you can't go wrong with Damage.