Pretending To Try

by @newukenewyork

Liner Notes

“Pretending To Try” - #fawm 50/90 2024 original song 4

Here’s a finished draft of a song that emerged, lyrics-only, last summer. I don’t usually write in this key, but I tried to set my melody first before figuring out chords on my uke. I don’t usually write this way, so it’s a good challenge for me.

There’s some kind of weird noise interference on my mic in this video but I don’t have time to re-record it right now. Sorry about that.

All my originals:

#fuc #acoustic #acousticonetake #ukulele #personwithukulele #onetake #girlwithukulele #singersongwriter #midemfoke


Send a messenger pigeon to scour the trees,
Send a Belgian detective with mustache to find me
I’ve hidden myself in plain sight
And you’re only pretending to try

You don’t have facts, you have fairy tales
You don’t have feet, you have wheels
You’re gonna roll by, tell yourself you tried
But you’re only pretending to try

Give a bloodhound my scent on a sock or a rag
Give a private consultant some cash in a bag
I’ve hidden myself in plain sight
And you’re only pretending to try

I’m not even playing like I’m hard to get
You’re telling yourself little lies
If I were the betting type, I wouldn’t bet
If you were the trying type, maybe you’d try

Let satellites track me from high up in space
Computers will tell you if they spot my face
I’ve hidden myself in plain sight
And you’re only pretending to try




I LOVE this !! There’s a few words I’d tweak personally but I’m reviewing this without watching the video.

You can take these tips with a grain of salt ….

With the first line of “pretending to try” in the first stanza - I’d leave it as “pretending” that way the second one has more impact. The listener will be wondering what “they” are pretending and the second one will reveal “to try” so they go “ahhhhh!”

Verses … maybe have pretending
Chorus … have pretending to try

I’d change the word “betting type” to “gambling type” so the word “bet” has more impact, sort of a grammar rule of trying not to use the same word twice in a line (but that’s just me)

I really enjoyed reading this lyric and while I couldn’t tell if facts and fairytales was the chorus … that could potentially be a more powerful song title too

Congats on your second year of fawming!!
Some fine descriptions in this that challenge this person to "try". I like how the person calls them out and the hiding in plain sight lines connected to the title/message. Pretty vocal and playing too. Nicely delivered!
Nice metaphors in the lyric. Cool idea for a song. Sweet vibe to the song. Vocal changes make it catchy. I was swaying along to the ukele. Nice work.
The melody soars in spots and of course a lovely vocal delivery. I like the list of ways the singee might pretend to search as a way to tie the parts together. As an aside, I choose to believe the weird noise is intentional from the tracking satellites and computers in the last verse ;)
i like the ambiguity of identity of the person being hunted. it is fun to imagine the type of person and the reason for the pursuit. the title is good and you do an excellent job of writing the song around it and coming up with some excellent verses that are resolved in the title phrase.
You write such wonderful lyrics! I love the imagery. And you say so much with "I’ve hidden myself in plain sight". Lovely singing!.
I love the metaphors and imagery in the lyrics! The lyrics are excellent. It's a feat to come up with the melody first and then the chords, can't imagine that's easy. Overall, it's a pretty song, nice vocals and ukulele!