The Brave One (lyrics only)

by @chrismyth02

There is no demo for this song.

Liner Notes

I wrote these lyrics for the Movie Title Challenge. Have never seen the film “The Brave One” but the title reminded me of the poem by W. H. Auden “The More Loving One” which in turn called to mind some painful but beautiful memories and inspired these words.

Would love a collaboration if anyone would like to provide some music; I hear a melancholic rock tune in the style of Lovedrug, Nada Surf or similar but open to other interpretations; just bear in mind that I prefer to sing on my collaborations.

#needsmusic #needscollab #movietitlechallenge


The Brave One

Could it be
You have never felt a thing for me
Seems to me
The sun shines everywhere but on me
In the shadows
I count your words in the pages of the past
And the dark knows
That for everyone else it won’t last

But for me
You pretended that I was a king
Couldn’t see
Past the shine of your promise ring
Walking out
Was the hardest decision I’ve made
Clocking out
From the longest shift I’ve outstayed

Let me be the brave one
Choke back these aching cries
Let me be the grave one
The spirit you despise
Let me live forever
With the pain that I have earned
Walk the earth forever
On bridges I have burned

Let it be
That you shed no tears over me
Can you see
How the luminous skies should be
I am gone
Mostly empty except for my thoughts
All along
I was cashing the ticket I bought

Let me be the brave one
Choke back these aching cries
Let me be the grave one
The spirit you despise
Let me live forever
With the pain that I have earned
Walk the earth forever
On bridges I have burned

It’s so hard to live in a shallow love
Always thinking of someone, and never thought of
And if I remained here faithfully
It might have been the death of me

Let me be the brave one
Choke back these aching cries
Let me be the grave one
The spirit you despise
Let me live forever
With the pain that I have earned
Walk the earth forever
On bridges I have burned


Such a great set of lyrics, that chorus is killer! I love what you did with the prompt, thank you so much for participating!
What a fantastic lyric. The music jumped out at me as I was reading this first time through. I would so love to put music to this, just vocals and acoustic guitar if you're up for it :)
i actually have seen this film, more than i can say for my one! this is a very good lyric , my there is a lot in this - a very full story - going to make an epic song - it really is in that epic style
This has to go to music Chris...great job!
Nice structure and flow with a wonderfully poetic feel. Love the powerful insight in the chorus.
Last four lines of verse two are simply killer! Love the irony/play on words! Can’t wait to hear it… really nice write.