1. track 1

by @knobbyneggins815

Liner Notes

Intro track for a project I've been kicking around for....far too long. Just before this last FAWM I got hit with a nasty sickness that took my voice and kept me from working on this collection of songs, and before and after that I've been struggling with all the fun stuff that keeps us from finishing projects.

For 50/90, my first one at that, I don't intend on doing 50 songs, but instead at the very least I want to finish this album. I've been finally recording vocals, I've been cleaning up, mixing, mastering, adding or subtracting, and it's done wonders for the ole brain. I can't wait to have this done, so I can move on to new things (hopefully things I can drop during 50/90!)

Anyways, this first track is called track 1. It's very deep. This is one of a few songs I basically have had done for....a very long time, with vocals having been recorded last year (at least according to my backup saves in my DAW). The project is called Memory Ln., and is about nostalgia and history and moving forward from pain and all the fun stuff that comes with that. Hope it can be enjoyed by some wonderful folks such as yourself!

Also, as a little Behind The Curtain bit, I think I'm going to also point out the "Date Created" time that shows up in my Notes for each song. I think I kind of need it to put into perspective to know just how long this thing has been kicking my ass, lol. Kind of like a signature, except sadder and more frustrating! Note that the date is explicitly when I created the Note for the lyrics; I feel like some songs started before these dates, and if I remember, I'll point them out as they come.

It's a little frustrating that it took me so long to get these done, but hey, I'm getting them done and out there now. Guess that's all that matters.

-June 22nd, 2022.


I believe
That no one fades.
We redirect,
And retrograde.

Only once,
With aching heart,
Will I say:

"Here we are,
Turning tides,
And shifting shapes."

The seconds pass,
The moments flow.
Where they went,
We'll never know.

Maybe I,
Can bare this night,
And from it, grow,

But empty streets,
They're whispering,
To come back home.


This so moody, and the vocals carry such emotion; it's riveting. To me, the slow-burn, restrained-but-percolating music track opens up a mental expanse of late, lonely nights and desolate urban landscapes. Immersive and wonderful.
I love all the textures on this track. "Maybe I can bare this night" isn't that the key? To open the possibility that maybe this is survivable? Really lovely lyrics. I for one like the abrupt ending, is that a cassette pop at the end? Whatever it is, it works! Great intro!
Really Dig this!
The beginning almost sounds a bit ominous then it transitions to a laid back groove with the smooth breathy vocals and cool synths. Has a nice floating vibe to it.
I didn't mind the shortness of it but the ending seemed abrupt.
Well done though.
First, cool to use 5090 as a chance to finish unfinished projects. I have massive respect for that.
The kind of breathy vocal effect creates some of the longing and questioning the lyric reflects. Really interesting musical landscape too. Good stuff!