The Eye of Destiny

by @brohachomuchacho

Liner Notes

#unfinished #needscollab #orchestral #epic #cheating #collaborationswelcome
So this is actually something ive been working on for a long time but it's very far from done and if anyone has any advice on how to effectively manage a ton of midi tracks that are all interweaving and changing i would be very happy. mainly i keep ending up with multiple tracks of, say, violins, playing very complicated stuff that is almost the same but slightly different, which is fine for a big ending but it's really hard to change a melody when 8 different tracks are playing a variation of it in different instruments. i am notoriously poor at organizing, so im sure i dont do even basic techniques cuz im completely self taught. anyways, sry 4 cheating...


If we are to hold
We might make it through this cold

Knowing when to tow the line
While the planets realign

Where the hunters scream in meadows
Where the children will survive

Ghosts of people haunt the shadows
And theyre begging me to die

Will this pain just disappear,
In the hour of our tears?

Struggling to seldom see
Through the eye of destiny!

With somber hearts we carry on
Seeking out that faithful sun

And if we go where I can see
Another place for you and me!


Great one! Regarding midi: when using lots of midi tracks and Vsti's you need a powerful pc. I had some problems with that in the past. But I think you managed to get those tracks organized nevertheless, it does sound very coherent.
I like the first part with the vocals the best. The long orchestral build doesn't work for me. It gets louder but not more dramatic or intense. I think its the 4 chord repetition that saps the energy because it is so predictable. If you had a break of say Ab, Bb, Cm and then to the turnaround of Eb to Bb somewhere in there it would give a break so when you come back your 4 chords are fresh again.
well its big and full in the earz. the melody is very pretty! i like the way it becomes sparser before really lifting off! this is really good!
I really love the orchestra portion. Loads to listen to. Is a really well time theme. I’m trying to learn to compose myself and I have also struggled with how to keep it all tightly organized. I feel your pain. This sounds really cool though. I liked it lots.
The core piano theme is so compelling. Your layered vocals are on point. I really like the gradual build, then fall, then build again - it feels very alive. The flute is so pretty over the piano theme in your second build.
I can't get over how awesome this is. one thing I would recommend some reverb to the piano. It just feels a bit empty the way it is now
Nice cacophony. Truly builds. It does not sound disorganized to me, it sounds alive. kudos. Some really nice SquareSoft sounding synths in the build up to the end! cool.
This was pretty cool! I can imagine this as an opening song for an adventure-themed TV show.