Call to Arms

by @gmcgath

Liner Notes

Once again, I'm doing improvisations for 50/90. This year I'm giving them an extra twist: "Instant Movies: Just add movie." The music fits a silent movie trope. You can search for a matching scene to play with it, though it's a lot less work just to imagine the scene.

It's the 4th of July, so the scenario for this clip is preparations to go off to battle, with fifes and drums. It's uploaded to SoundCloud because I just made my donation to get FAWM storage and it doesn't happen instantly.


perfect for 4 July this is really well done! Love it!
A Jaunty little tune to begin, but that Fife bridge sure gets dark. Between that and the final section where the drum comes back in, I get the impression that the soldiers didn’t return the same as when they left.