Stop to pet a cat

by @yam655

Liner Notes

#folkacapella #onetake


Oh, entirely relatable! LOL I'm currently cat-sitting a friend's two marvellous cats for a fortnight, and they're a delight. Make me feel so 'wanted'. LOL One, an enormous, elderly (14 years old) Maine Coon, is stretched out on the desk near my computer. Doesn't leave my side.
Yup, you always gotta pet the cats.
My cat often demands it in the morning.
Winds around my legs until I pick him up for a bit.
Great tune.
100% I'm in favor of cat songs always! And the lyric is true - you MUST stop to pet the cat.
Cats are always good! 😺 This makes me want to go downstairs and spend some time with my own cats.