When It Was For You (Comments First) - Updated

by @kosch

When It Was For You (Comments First) - Updated

Liner Notes

OK...so first up...there is some "language"...contained within this, the - perhaps - most un-punk, #punk song ever.. #commentsfirst
I have never written a punk song in my life (let alone one using NASA sound samples...) - but I must thank (blame it on) the intrepid commenters....

@beto "Ha, clever use of limericks for the rhyming structure! I don't remember ever seeing that in a punk song before! Really nice, you've got a banger here!"
@coolparadiso "and not even using a guitar that really surprised me! i'm not even sure what that instrument is!"
@thetau "It has to be a synth. How else could you get it to sound like that. It's that gritty-ness that makes it so Punky" (sorry, about the "gritlessness...")
@kahlo2013 "That kick drum really kicks ass! And that bridge section where the drums go wild has me screaming along!"
@dragondreams "It made me grin to hear some deep space samples from NASA used as a pad in a punk track!"

And as it was already as unpunk as it gets...I figured a little #harmonica couldn't hurt.

All in all, a fun challenge!


When It Was For You
Along came the day that I dreaded
Life's fabric, completely unthreaded
When you said goodbye, with no tears in your eyes,
and nothing about it, regretted

For you. When it was for you.
All for you. When it was for you.
All for you. When it was for you.

The circus of life, we were sharing
On the high wire, we were so daring.
Along came a frown, wearing a clown,
Next thing, my heart, it was tearing.

For you. All for you.
When it was for you..All for you.
When it was for you.
Ahhh....Fuck you, ahhhh.... fuck you!
Fuck You.


Wow, this sounds like some kind of launch. Those are amazing sounds and lyrics! Ha!
The fun of comments first, for me, was finding the components requested by the group. Very imaginative and extremely riveting as a listen.
Amazing how well that harmonica worked. A tasty spacepunk gumbo!
This is fun! Love this, sounding very good!
Great intro, feels like it is trying to escape from my stereo! I have been thinking (not no value as no doing! ...yet) combining electronic drums+bass with punk. But you did not leave it there, hell no, it is better than that, the harmonica makes this a bit more than perfect. Happy "fuck you" also never gets too old to rock. Really, fucking good shit!
Wild song, it has such a cool feel to it and all the different elements come together to create something very intriguing and unique.
Drums rolls , punk, blues harp, techno, cursing ...ONE OF A KIND song..so innovative. but cool. This would be a great wake up song for the international space station...lol Wake the F... Up!
Wow! I'm at a total loss for words. This is like another dimension in song writing. This is so impressive. Really Creative way to put it all together.
Spaaace Puuunk! I had a smile on my face listening the whole way through. I particularly liked flipping the frown and clown expectation - nice.
So. Much. Fun.
Punk is a spirit of mind! That harmonica with the drum solo is as puck as hell! 🤘🏼
So good, so good! Well done, this is awesome!
It made me grin to hear some deep space samples from NASA used as a pad in a punk track!
That kick drum really kicks ass! And that bridge section where the drums go wild has me screaming along!
It has to be a synth. How else could you get it to sound like that. It's that gritty-ness that makes it so Punky
and not even using a guitar that really surprised me! i'm not even sure what that instrument is!
Ha, clever use of limericks for the rhyming structure! I don't remember ever seeing that in a punk song before! Really nice, you've got a banger here! 👏