Organic Matter

by @kim_otcj

Liner Notes

I'm stuck at work right now, so I might as well get in line to post my first song nice and early. I usually do 15 songs to an album, which will leave me 5 short of a 50/90. So, I'm starting with an EP of 5 hard rock songs. It's called I Am Not A Robot.

# rock #hardrock #mortaltaint


I am real, I am whole
An organic being who will not be sold
My life that I live
Belongs to me, no quarter to give

No programmed thoughts
No AI brain
Organic matter
Is what I'll remain

If I fall, let it be
It's what makes me human
It's all part of me
Cos I am real, not a machine
A flesh and blood, living human being

It's hard to tell what lives and breathes
When we've conceded so much to machines
Intelligent life, so precious, so rare
Should never give up, or give in to despair


Rocking out! Always enjoy the videos!
Fantastic commentary on the AI and replacement of creativity.
Great song.

What is the matter? The matter is organic...
Great guitar grind - very cool tune - and nice theme to the lyrics.
Very tight! always enjoy your vids! Real grunt in that guitar! machine rules!