
Halfway Home






Saying anything more here than ‘I enjoy making music’ would feel quite self-congratulatory, bordering on hyperbole. Were I to allow myself to expand upon that statement, however, I’d start dropping blatantly overblown terms such as ‘multi-instrumentalist’ (which just means I’ve fallen into the trap of playing all the easy instruments in a very so-so fashion and the convenience this brings to producing music without the need to bother anyone else!), singer (a stretch - but possibly by the 28th take), and ‘song-writer’ (if mucking around with an instrument until I hear something I think is nice, humming along to it until it sounds a bit nicer, mumbling that tune until I hear some words that might eventually make sense counts).

But mainly I just enjoy making music. But I often need to be reminded of that. Which is why I love FAWM and 50/90. In the empty times and spaces where I might think of creating something that didn’t exist before, I invariably find myself having to answer that most unhelpful of questions: why? To which I have no convincing answers. But in February, July, August and September the answer becomes very simple: because.

I’ll start 50/90, as usual, with no huge expectations. If I create one song-like thing that I could imagine the response of one other person to be an ever-so-slightly positive one, then I’ll be happy. But they’ll be inspiration from others, they’ll be opportunities to create together, so who knows what the journey ahead will bring….


[avatar] collaborators
Synth Jam 6.4 by @fonte + @halfwayhome
[avatar] collaborators
Synth Jam 6.3 by @fonte + @halfwayhome
[avatar] collaborators
Synth Jam 6.1 by @fonte + @halfwayhome


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