






funky, 24, he/him/any/all
the mysticism of bike rides & good tunes

i went through hella creative burnout leading up to & during fawm this year, & wasn't feeling motivated. lately i haven't been making new music, & have been putting a lot more energy into long-distance cycling, as well as doing a lot more reading.

gonna use 50/90 this year as an excuse to really sit down & learn the sp-404mkii, which i bought in march but haven't done much with yet. foregoing production value in favor of whimsical experimentation, so expect my output to be less polished than usual. 🙂



Have a great 50/90!
loved the blog post and wanted to say that I hope you enjoy the sp-404. I don't have it but I follow some artists that use it. Seems like it has potential, for sure. Happy 5090!
Thanks for sharing your thoughts on creative burnout… I completely feel you there! I also picked up an sp-404mkii a few months ago, and haven’t started to cross the learning curve yet, so looking forward to going on that journey along side you this 5090!